Zalewski / Czajka / Students from the Warsaw Uprising Primary School no. 344 / Kierkosz / Szulc / Trepkowska / Uba
space®opera / Zalewski
Ignacy Zalewski artistic and music direction
Małgorzata Czajka children’s artistic preparation
Students from the Warsaw Uprising Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 344 performance
Anna Kierkosz curator, author of the space®opera concept
Monika Szulc, Agnieszka Trepkowska curatorial team
Wojciech Uba creator of the space®opera app
space®opera (meta-installation)
Ignacy Zalewski Moniuszko Sigma (2024) ** (electronic miniature)
The space®opera app can be downloaded soon.
Event partner: Warsaw Uprising Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 344 in Warsaw
** first performance