Cybulski / Konarska / Szulc / Students from Little Warsaw Insurgent Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 32 / Kierkosz / Trepkowska / Uba
space®opera / Cybulski
Krzysztof Cybulski composer
Beata Konarska artistic activities
Monika Szulc children’s artistic and subject-related preparation, artistic direction
Students from the Little Insurrectionist Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 32 performance
Anna Kierkosz curator, author of the space®opera concept
Monika Szulc, Agnieszka Trepkowska curatorial team
Wojciech Uba creator of the space®opera app
space®opera (meta-installation)
Krzysztof Cybulski Pegasi (2024)** (electronic miniature)
The project is supported by the space®opera app.
Event partners: Little Insurrectionist Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 32; The National Library of Poland
** first performance