Kierkosz / Szulc / Trepkowska / Uba International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Anna Kierkosz curator, space®opera concept author
Monika Szulc, Agnieszka Trepkowska curators
Wojciech Uba space®opera app author
Aleksandra Bilińska concert host
Kosma Standera sound production and projection

Final presentation of the meta-installation
A concert of 12 electronic miniatures co-created with children and teenagers from Warsaw’s schools, artistic groups and choirs as part of the composer micro-residency project (April and May 2024) and premiered at the Warsaw Autumn

Jarosław Siwiński There are Tritons on the Fountain (2024)**
Rafał Ryterski Described with gobbling mouths, pencils and plastic bags (2024)**
Patrycja Kołodziejska, Włodzimierz Żukowski Maria (2024)**
Anna Jędrzejewska Membrane of Life (2024)**
Olga Pasek Underwater Thoughts (2024)**
Barbara Zach The Exam (2024)**
Lena Michajłów Golden Noise (2024)**
Ignacy Zalewski Moniuszko Sigma (2024)**
Aleksandra Bilińska What have the stairs heard? (2024)**
Wojciech Błażejczyk The Basilisk, the Witch and the Band (2024)**
Krzysztof Cybulski Pegasi (2024)**
Przemysław Pacek Yes or No – Infinitely (2024)**

The project is supported by the space®opera app. The concert will be followed by a summary debate titled “The Presence of Contemporary Music and Composers in Polish Schools.”
Coorganiser of the concert: Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
Event partner: Fryderyk Chopin University Electronic Music Studio

** first performance