Łazarczyk, Magdalena International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Working with collage, video art, installations, and space, she explores the distance between sign, object, and its notion, function, and place in the system. She is inspired by the world of things. She conceives of herself as an explorer and archaeologist studying the world’s matter, discovering its fragments, and reordering them. She collaborates with theatre artists, creating stage designs and costumes. She graduated in culture studies from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2010), photography from the UAP University of the Arts in Poznań (2013), and media art from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (2015). Her diploma work won an award at the Coming Out 2015 exhibition as the best new media project, as well as the grand prix of (NON) PRESENCE exhibition (Labirynt Gallery in Lublin, 2017). She appears with Zuza Golińska in the performative duo TWINS. With Łukasz Sosiński, she created the ROD artist-run-space in the Family Allotment Gardens in Warsaw.