Kołodziejska, Patrycja International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Composition student in the class of Dariusz Przybylski at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She also studied composition with Brigitta Muntendorf at the High School of Music and Dance in Cologne as part of the Erasmus+ programme. She has taken part in international contemporary music masterclasses and workshops, including Impuls – International Ensemble and Composers’ Academy for Contemporary Music in Graz and the Akademie für zeitgenössische Musik at the High School in Lucerne. Her works have been performed at home and abroad by Klangforum Wien, Kwartludium, Decoder Ensemble, and the Chopin University String orchestra. She composes acoustic, electroacoustic, and electronic music. Her interests include programming, the concept of space in music, exploration of sound colours, performative elements, philosophical and social concepts, which she uses as a point of departure for her compositions. She employs various media, collaborates on audiovisual installations and other types of multimedia art. She is also an improvising musician. This year she recorded an album of improvised pieces with Włodzimierz Żukowski. 

Selected works: mistrust every language sewn on your tongue for two performers, AI voice, piano, objects, live electronics and tape (2024), anyplaces for symphony orchestra and tape (2023–24), distorted for ensemble (2023), soundscape walks, audiovisual installation (with Włodzimierz Żukowski, 2024).