Mayas, Magda International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Born in 1979; pianist, composer and performer living in Berlin. Over the past 20 years she has developed a set of techniques that draw on the history of prepared and inside piano vocabulary but are highly individualised and expand the language of internal piano music making. 

She holds a PhD in music performance and interpretation from the University of Gothenburg. Since 2019 she has been a professor of improvisation at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. She performs internationally solo and with other musicians at such new music festivals as MaerzMusik, Documenta, the Berlin Biennale, and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. She was awarded a residency at Villa Aurora, Los Angeles (2016) and co-curated the Music Unlimited festival in Wels, Austria (2019). She has been producing radio pieces for ABC Australia and Deutschlandradio Kultur. She has released more than 40 CDs to date.