radzikows (Bartosz Radzikowski)  International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Audiovisual artist, author of video installations and prints, academic lecturer, graduate of the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art at Wrocław’s Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design. In his works, he focuses on philosophical and scientific problems, fondly transforming the absurdities and weirdness of the reality around us into a form of generative surrealism. He also explores noise as an element of artistic creation. His works have been presented throughout Poland, including the Four Domes Pavilion of Wrocław’s National Museum, as well as Audio Art, Avant Art, Musica Polonica Nova, Kinomural, and Punto y Raya festivals. With sepr.online collective, he co-authored the eponymous broadcast cycle on Radio Kapitał (2021). With his friends, he runs Winda Gallery, a grassroots cultural and exhibition initiative. 
