Urquiza, Mikel International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Born in 1988 in Bilbao, he studied composition first at Musikene in San Sebastián with Gabriel Erkoreka and Ramon Lazkano, then at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris with Gérard Pesson and Stefano Gervasoni. In 2019–20 he is mentored by the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation and then became a fellow of the French Academy’s Villa Médicis in Rome. His PhD thesis, within the SACRe doctoral program, bears the title Music regained: memory at work in musical composition

His works have been performed notably by ensemble Intercontemporain, L’Instant Donné, C Barré, Musikfabrik, Mosaik, Divertimento, and the New European Ensemble at festivals such as Présences, ManiFeste, Éclat, Acht Brücken, Gaudeamus, and the Venice Biennale. In 2022, he received the Ernst von Siemens Composer Prize.

A choir singer all along his youth, he is passionate about voice and shows it in Alfabet, written for Sarah Maria Sun, I nalt be clode on the frolt, for Marion Tassou, Songs of Spam, for the Neue Vocalsolisten, and Howl, premiered by the vocal ensemble Exaudi at the 2022 Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik. 

His chamber music pieces, full of imitative writing, bizarre associations, and all sort of tricks, are premiered by first-class partners such as Trio Catch, which performs Pièges de neige at the Cologne Philharmonic, Radial System in Berlin, and the Resonanz Raum in Hamburg, or the Diotima Quartet, which premiered his first string quartet Indicio at the Festival Pontino in Italy, and the second string quartet Index at the Festival Musica in Strasburg. His symphonic works have been notably performed by the Euskadiko Orkestra under Ruth Reinhardt and Musikene Orchestra under Artura Tamayo. 

Selected works: Erio for symphony orchestra (2011), Ondar for string quartet (2012), Cinq pièges brefs for piano trio (2013), Maudits les Innocents, lyrical fairytale to a libretto by Laurent Gaudé (2014), White Nights for soprano and string quartet (2014), Les lueurs se sont multipliées for septet (2015), Contrapluma for piano (2016), Ikusia ikusirik for symphony orchestra (2016), String Quartet no. 1 Indicio (2016), Serpientes y escaleras (serenata) for ensemble (2016), Elurretan for plucked string trio (2017), More sweetly forgot for soprano, saxophone, accordion and percussion (2017), Opus vermiculatum for nine performers (2017), I nalt be clode on the frolt for soprano and ensemble (2018), Pièges de neige for clarinet, cello and piano (2018), Sex doll deluxe for ensemble (2018), Alfabet for soprano, trumpet, bass clarinet and percussion (2019), Atelier de Giacometti for flute and piano (2019), Mis monstruos marinos for symphony orchestra (2019), Songs of Spam for voice and ensemble (2019), Lavorare stanca for 12 performers (2020), Oiseaux gazouillants et hibou qui se retourne for ensemble (2020), Pentimenti, concerto for percussion and orchestra (2020), Cancionero sin palacio for ensemble (2021), Chiisana tsubame for nō theatre voice and cello (2021), String Quartet no. 2 Index (2021), My voice is my password for six voices (2021), Ships vanishing in the horizon for ensemble (2021), Blond vénitien for cello (2022), Howl for six voices (2022), La pluie dans un verre d’eau for flute (2022), Feu de joie for wind orchestra (2023), Tiramisù for ensemble (2023).