Wolińska, Maja International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Professor at Wrocław’s Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, where she runs the Narration and Interaction in New Media Studio.

In her artistic practice she focuses on narrative methods applied in time-based media such as film, video, photography, generative image, sound, interactive and non-linear live action. She works in the studio, analysing the formal structure of images, as well as in the external context (from site-specific installations to observational and para-documentary projects). Her most recent works draw on the themes of deep ecology. She observes, interprets, and transforms models and rhythms concealed in the frequently neglected biological worlds of urban ecosystems. Wolińska is the author of papers concerning the use of narrative methods in interactive projects. She has participated in conferences and symposia on media art and coordinated international contacts within the Erasmus+ academic programme. Her works have been presented in individual and collective exhibitions as well as artistic events in Poland and abroad. 
