Kranik, Milena International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Actress, puppeteer, and theatre educator, she graduated from the Białystok Branch of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art. She plays at XL Theatre and conducts classes at its School of Acting Methods and Techniques. She also appears on the small stage of Guliwer Theatre (for instance in Tomasz Maśląkowski’s Porce and Lana) and works as a medical clown for Warsaw’s Czerwone Noski Foundation. With the Łódź Chorea Theatre she has co-created musical, educational and outreach projects and spectacles such as GilgameshBrzydalLulabajkiThe Bacchantes, and The Rhythm of Language. With Natalia Przybysz and the Chorea Theatre she recorded the album Lulabajki (2016). 

She was a member of the West African percussion band City Bum Bum, in which she sang in the indigenous languages of the Mandé peoples as well as playing traditional instruments: the djembe and dundun. She has also collaborated with Poznań’s Children’s Art Centre, the Pinokio Theatre and KORNIAG Theatre (Belarus). For several years she has taught theatre workshops for children, teenagers, and adults. Her passions include improvisation, teamwork, and song as a phenomenon in different regions of the world.