Uczniowie klasy 6c Szkoły Podstawowej nr 231 im. gen. M. Zaruskiego w Warszawie (6th Grade Students from the General Mariusz Zaruski Primary School no. 231 in Warsaw) International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Uczniowie klasy 6c Szkoły Podstawowej nr 231 im. gen. M. Zaruskiego w Warszawie
(6th Grade Students from the General Mariusz Zaruski Primary School no. 231 in Warsaw)

This is a large, dynamic, spontaneous and active class (28 students: 16 girls and 12 boys). On taking over as form mistress, I already knew that it is made up of many individualities and artistic souls. They have been enthusiastic about the project and surprising in their creativity. For me, it was a joy to see how the normally less audacious students also flourished during these activities. Everyone found a place for themselves and contributed original ideas in the process.