Zakrzewska, Agata International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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has been a singer since age 11. Music is her greatest passion in all the senses of the word. She is a voracious listener and finds fulfilment as a singer. Singer-songwriter repertoire and poetry settings are her favourites. She accompanies herself on the piano, focusing in particular on wise and beautiful lyrics. Recently she has started writing her own songs, working with guitarist Darek Trzciński. 

Her many accolades received at nationwide singer-songwriter and sung poetry festivals include, most notably, the 3rd Prize and audience award in the 1st Festival of Wojciech Młynarski’s Songs (Sopot 2013), 1st Prize in the 17th “Remember Osiecka” Competition (Sopot 2014), and 3rd Prize and award of the Polish Song Museum Director in Opole in the 3rd stage of that competition in Warsaw. She has also won prizes in the Jonasz Kofta “My Freedom” Festival (2010, 2013, 2015, and two ZASP awards for the best interpretation of Kofta’s texts with her own music). She has performed in duos with Piotr Rubik, Maryla Rodowicz, Krzysztof Cugowski, Stanisław Soyka, and frequently with Alicja Majewska and Włodzimierz Korcz. 

She graduated with an honours MA degree in musicology from the University of Warsaw and from the Bacewicz State Secondary Music and General Education School in Warsaw (class of popular music vocals). She currently works as a vocal coach and runs a blog (Muzyczne Widzimisię) sharing her experience of recorded music and concerts. Her wide range of musical interests includes classical (mostly contemporary) as well as popular music genres (especially rock, alternative, and sung poetry).