Zielińska, Aleksandra International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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A teacher, visionary dreamer and incurable optimist; head of the Little Gullivers School Theatre Company at the Stefan Żeromski Primary School no. 28 in Warsaw. She graduated from Vitebsk State University (Belarus), an 11-year music school, and the acting studio at the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theatre in Vitebsk. She has lived and worked in Warsaw for more than 20 years. In the autumn of 2022, she took up work at the Primary School no. 28, where she set up an intercultural theatre group, transformed a year later into the Little Gullivers School Theatre. The premiere of the company’s first repertoire production, Secrets of an Old Tenement House, directed by Aleksandra Zielińska (after her original script), took place in June 2024.