Maria - Patrycja Kołodziejska, Włodzimierz Żukowski International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Maria - Patrycja Kołodziejska, Włodzimierz Żukowski

The sound project musically representing the Maria Skłodowska-Curie monument has mainly been created with a view to facilitating children’s full participation in the process of creating music. In collaboration with the composers, the children co-created the work’s concept and musical motifs inspired by the Nobel Prize winner’s life and discoveries. These ideas were later translated into the language of music, elaborated upon, and incorporated into the miniature. The music is based on samples recorded with a children’s choir. Inspired by the life story of Maria SkłodowskaCurie, our team jointly determined the form and dramatic structure of the piece, which bestowed a unique character and emotional depth on the music. The project harmoniously combines children’s creativity and electronic sound into a musical homage to that outstanding scientist.