((mno.go)) - Maja Bosnić International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Commissioned by The Black Page Orchestra with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and premiered at musikprotokoll 2021 in Graz, this work is created out of very loud sounds that are being heard through ear-protecting headphones. Initially, I wanted to deliver sounds as physically as possible – with loud vibrations that are felt in human bodies and objects in the environment. In order to do it safely, I had to muffle all ears, and by muffling the ears I opened a new area in which I could work with foggy clouds of somewhat beautifully deformed and damaged sounds. I have also gained a new level of freedom in the approach to instruments and humans that operate them in this context. Therefore, the work creates a unique experience for everyone involved and questions the anatomy of freedom as such. The word mnogo means “many,” “very much,” “quite a bit,” “a lot” in several South Slavic languages, including Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, and Bulgarian. 

Maja Bosnić