Oni i My?(Them and Us?) International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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We are witnessing how the agenda of social discourse is increasingly determined by crises, conflicts, and wars. The complexity of world events, as seen through the lens of the media and frequently through the commentaries of ideological hardliners, clearly overwhelms us. At the same time, we are constantly asked to take a stand – as a state, a society, and as individuals. 

Basel Sinfonietta helps shape this social discourse by allowing people of different origin and background, representing different worldviews, to make their voices heard, thus offering an open space where different perspectives, uncomfortable questions, and even contrary positions can meet. This is the aim of the programme Them and Us? 

In cooperation with the Warsaw Autumn Festival, we have commissioned new works from four composers. The Russian exile Sergej Newski’s new piece Goddess of History for mezzo-soprano and orchestra sets a poem by Tomas Venclova, which deals with Russia’s attack on Ukraine and contains numerous historical references that bring the personal experience of the nameless individual into focus. 

Stefan Keller’s new composition A Safe Harbour, based on a text commissioned by Basel Sinfonietta from the Hungarian-Swiss author Melinda Nadj Abonji, examines the reactions of a Ukrainian refugee in Switzerland to the constant declarations of neutrality. The works of the other two young composers, Ukrainian-born Yurii Pikush and Polish sound artist Aleksandra Słyż, likewise reflect their own, deeply personal perspectives. 

This concert programme opens the Basel Sinfonietta’s 2024/25 concert season. The orchestra will present it first at the famous Warsaw Autumn Festival and a week later at a subscription concert held at the Stadtcasino Basel. 

Basel Sinfonietta