Stone Codes - Tansy Davies International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Davies’s composition, written specifically for the percussion marathon, builds on the muscular, groove-based nature of her music and is built up layer by layer, playing with different constellations and rhythmic patterns. Though the score was written for the instrumentation of Orkest De Ereprijs, it has flexibility and can therefore also be performed by other line-ups. 

Stone Codes

An AI roller-skater glides through cities, both ancient and modern
Making acrobatic swerves, revealing new panoramas
New constellations: etched in rhythmical code

Kaleidoscopic twists open up vistas: revelations of zeros and ones
Manifest as deep, funky rhythms: Earth’s chthonic ode

Light-language held in stone like insects in amber
Now released in flamboyant flashes and flashbacks

A ritual of percussion; the world’s oldest instrument
A choreography of vibration: etched onto air...

Perma-frost to Perma-joy.

Tansy Davies