Vocerío - Agustina Crespo International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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According to the Royal Spanish Academy dictionary, vocerío is a “confusion of loud and disorderly voices.” The piece, written in 2012 and first performed in 2013 at the final stage of the Latin American Vocal Composition Contest by Nonsense Ensemble (Buenos Aires, 2013), served as the starting point for the author’s further in-depth exploration of the instrumental voice, which exists beyond text and usual syntactic rules of language. 

The composition seeks to move away from the constraints of semantics to focus on timbral colours and to explore the fundamental essence of the instrument. Through the use of different phonemes, it delves into a range of techniques including variations on attacks, pitch shifts, acoustic filters, and timbral alterations to craft a discourse that transcends language, veiling words while preserving expressive communication. 

Agustina Crespo