Wokół Bouleza / Around Boulez
book presenatation
Aldona Nawrocka-Woźniak project manager
Aleksandra Bilińska moderator
Jakub Sokołowski piano
Chamber ensemble directed by Przemysław Zych
Around Boulez – presentation of the book Pierre Boulez. Demiurg nowej muzyki
[Pierre Boulez. A Demiurge of New Music] (publ. Chopin University Press, 2022)
Pierre Boulez Douze notations (1985, 1945) for piano
Dérive 1 (1984) for six instruments
A meeting dedicated to a new publication by Chopin University Press – the first Polish-language monograph of Pierre Boulez. The panellists are authors of papers, music theorists, composers, conductors, and performers. The debate will be accompanied by a short concert.
Organised by Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
Partner: Strefa Otwarta Association