Cybulski, Krzysztof International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Musician and sound artist, he combines analogue, digital, acoustic, and mechanical solutions in his works. He also creates interactive sound objects and instruments. His accolades include the 2018 Polityka Passport Award (in the category of digital culture, as member of panGenerator, a group he co-founded in 2010), 2nd Prize in the 2020 Guthman Musical Instruments Competition, as well as a Prix Ars Electronica festival’s honourable mention in 2017. Cybulski is a PhD student at Warsaw’s Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (Department of Sound Engineering), member of PSeME (Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music), and STOART collective management organisation. He teaches a postgraduate course on interactive sound objects at the Creative Coding SWPS / School of Form, as well as numerous workshops and lectures at the intersection of art and technology, for instance at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He was awarded artistic scholarships by the Capital City of Warsaw and the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, as well as grants from the Composing Commissions programme. 

He has participated in the Future Innovators Summit / Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), Athens Digital Art Festival, the International Conference of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Denmark and UK), Guthman Musical Instruments Competition, the Warsaw Autumn, Musica Polonica Nova, Biennale WRO, Ad Libitum, Audio Art, and Instalakcje. His artistic collaborators include Robert Curgenven, Krzysztof Knittel, Anna Zaradny, Norman Leto, Grzech Piotrowski, and Sławomir Wojciechowski. He is a member of Lomi Lomi group and 4way Quartet. 

Selected works / installations: ABBBEEEIKKR, six variations on the Lithuanian song Bek, bare, beki for cello, electric guitar, piccolo bass guitar, four voices and live electronics (2013), AAS, sound installation (2015), MORPH for cello, bass clarinet and live electronics (2015), Aaron S, opera (with Sławomir Wojciechowski, Paweł Krzaczkowski and Norman Leto, 2016), Suma 4’30, music composition and graphic score (with Michał Górczyński, Robert Curgenven and Paweł Krzaczkowski, 2017), AHS, sound objects (2017), Pneumatophones, sound installation (2019), Modular Process Music for self-created sound objects (2016–22), AAAA (augmented acoustic actuated autonomous) for three semi-autonomous instruments (2020–23).