DJ Lenar (Marcin Lenarczyk)  International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Composer of electroacoustic works and musique concrète. He creates musical collages made up of transformed and multiplied fragments of recorded traditional and contemporary music as well as field recordings. His stage instruments include a gramophone, a mixing console, a looper, and vinyl records. In 2020 his work was commissioned by AUKSO. His stage collaborators include Sainkho Namtchylak, John Tilbury, Frédéric Blondy, Eddie Prévost, and Thomas Lehn. Lenarczyk writes music for films, theatrical plays, and radio dramas. His film essay Solaris Mon Amour (Mikurda/Pawela/Lenarczyk) was part of the Cosmos, Cosmos exhibition presented at the 14th Shanghai Biennale. As a sound producer, Lenarczyk controls the entire soundtrack production process. The artist boasts many years of experience, ranging from dangerous filmwork for a documentary shot in West Papua to editing an experimental radio drama at Berlin’s Akademie der Künste, to mastering feature films in the Dolby Atmos system. Films with his soundtracks and music have been presented at the world’s major film festivals, for instance in Cannes, Sundance, and Venice. Lenarczyk is a twice winner of best sound award at Gdynia Polish Film Festival, and author of sound installation for the project Hotel Polonia The Afterlife of Buildings (main prize – the Golden Lion at the 11th Venice Biennale of Architecture). 

Selected releases: djLenar RePRES (Bôłt), Frederic Blondy & DJLenar play Mauricio Kagel Ludwig van (Bôłt), Sisters (Raphael Rogiński & DJ Lenar) The Mono (Multikulti), DJ Lenar Dritte Shtilkayt (Bôłt, The Jewish Historical Institute).