Drobniuch, Robert International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Theatre director and culture manager, director of the Kubuś Puppet-and-Actor Theatre in Kielce (2012–20) and (since September 2020) of Warsaw’s Guliwer Puppet Theatre. He graduated in directing from the Department of Puppet Theatre Arts at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and completed postgraduate studies in opera and music theatre directing at Cracow’s PWST (now the AST National Academy of Theatre Arts). He directs spectacles for child and adult audiences, representing different genres, such as Little Mice and War, or On Brave Albert and the Swiss Cheese – an opera for children as well as a shadow play production of Bruno Schulz’s Cinnamon Shops. As a director he has collaborated with theatres in Poland and abroad (Białystok Puppet Theatre, Guliwer, Maska Theatre in Rzeszów, Współczesny and Pleciuga theatres in Szczecin, Cracow Opera, Music Theatre in Poznań, Divadlo Loutek in Ostrava, Istanbul Karagoz Puppet Foundation, Fredro Theatre in Gniezno, and Norwid Theatre in Jelenia Góra). His accolades include the Belgian Minister of Culture Award, President of Białystok Award, and the Minister of Culture Award for Outstanding Cultural Contributions for Children, awarded for his theatrical work (2015). He has also received awards for his productions, notably MicrocosmCompositions (Grand Prix of Korczak Festival), Cinnamon Shops, and Water Tale