DUET SURREAL VOYAGERS International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Surreal Voyagers duo (founded in 2018) consists of Aleksander Wnuk and Michał Lazar. They met while playing in Spółdzielnia Muzyczna contemporary ensemble. The duo’s irregular and spontaneous activity to date includes about a dozen improvised concerts and more than 20 silent film screenings with their original live music. The duo has also performed contemporary music by, among others, Matthew Shlomowitz, Fausto Romitelli, and Alexander Schubert, at such festivals as Warsaw Autumn, Sacrum Profanum, and Audio Art. In 2019 they created music for the dance production Manhattan (dir. Dominika Wiak, Daniela Komędera-Miśkiewicz), in which they also appeared on stage, as well as for the Manhattan Interactive Movie. Presented in the Polish Dance Network, the Teatr Polska programme, at the Kaleidoscope and Ciało|Umysł (Body|Mind) festivals, Manhattan also made it to the finals of BestOFF competition. 

Surreal Voyagers opt for a partially pre-composed mix of genres and conventions, revolving around rock and ambient. 2024 saw the release by the Antenna Non Grata label of their critically and publicly acclaimed, highly enthusiastically received debut album Seeking Mother