Ignatowicz-Glińska, Anna International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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A composer, winner of many awards. She graduated from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw (MMus in composition with Włodzimierz Kotoński, DMA with Stanisław Moryto; piano improvisation with Szabolcs Esztényi, postdoctoral degree in musical arts). She is now an assistant professor at this university. She also introduces secondary school students to the art of composition. She serves on the juries of competitions for composers and performers as well as contributing to the work of the Polish Composers’ Union and Society of Authors ZAiKS. Her music has been written for varied, mostly chamber-sized performing forces. Works for percussion and for voices with instruments (including some to her own texts) are particularly numerous. Her compositions have been presented in concerts and at festivals, released on albums and published (by NORSK Musikkforlag/Oslo and Chopin University Press). Many have been written specially for outstanding friends-performers, including Katarzyna Myćka (marimba), the duo Magdalena KordylasińskaPękala / Miłosz Pękala (percussion), Joanna Freszel (soprano), Aleksandra Resztik (soprano), the duo Paweł Gusnar (saxophone) / Alina Ratkowska (harpsichord), as well as Agata Sapiecha (violin, early music ensemble). She is also the author or co-author of arrangements for symphonic projects by folk ensemble Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa / Warsaw Village Band, one of whose members is her husband, Piotr Gliński. 

Selected works (since 2014): It’s Not a Story One Can Tell for vocal sextet to the composer’s own text (2014), Skotopaska I: Glowing Malvasia for mixed unaccompanied choir to the composer’s own text (2014), Just Look... for piano (2014), Sonnet 116 to words by William Shakespeare for vocal sextet (2015), 1 of 70 for 70 Years of the Polish Composers’ Union for two percussions and two pianos (2015), Male and Female Fashion Store – To Warsaw That Is No More and to Its Inhabitants Who Live in My Memory for three percussions, string quartet, and double bass (2015), Beyond Silence – To the Memory of Paweł Buczyński for harpsichord (2015), Postlude for marimba (2015), Reflections for marimba, violin, cello, double bass and piano (2015/16), Stone Mosaic for vibraphone (2016), MarganA for percussion (2016), Hard Questions for soprano and piano to the composer’s own text (2016), ...et non est pacis for two pianos and two percussion (2017), Procession for organ four hands (2017), Thrice... for soprano saxophone and harpsichord (2017), Double Concerto for Two Marimbas and String Orchestra (2017), St John, on Thy Feast Day, arrangement of traditional song from Podlasie for four-part mixed choir and chamber orchestra (2017), Svyaty Yure, Ryhore / Saint Knight George, arrangement of traditional song from Podlasie for two white-voice singers and six-part mixed choir (2019), Agnus Dei – Tribute to Krzysztof Komeda for vocal ensemble / chamber choir (2019), Polish Suite for marimba (2019), Sound of Shining (version for brass quintet2019; version for marimba and cello, 2022), Lux aeterna for ten-part mixed choir and marimba (2019), Water Will Come and Go... arrangements of pieces by Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa for symphony orchestra (2021), Prolegomena to Lem, trio for alto saxophone, accordion and piano (2021), Three Songs to Words by Zuzanna Ginczanka for soprano and piano (2021), Polish Flowers – Cantata da camera to words by Julian Tuwim for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, violin, cello and piano (2021), Apotropeion, trio for flute, viola, and piano (2022), FlaMar for flute and marimba (2022), Near-Sonata for soprano saxophone and harpsichord (2022), The Five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary for Baroque violin and early music ensemble (2022), Thoughttrack I, version for alto saxophone, violin and piano (2022), 4 Novellas for clarinet quintet (2023), 5 Dance Sketches for marimba, kettledrums and chamber orchestra (2023), Three Songs for soprano, flute and piano to the composer’s own texts (2024), Waiting for the Northern Lights for alto saxophone and organ (2024).