Jarnuszkiewicz, Prot International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Born in 1977 in Warsaw, he studied at the Łódź Film School’s Direction of Photography and Television Production Department, majoring in photography, television and film production. His teachers included Ewa Braun, Mieczysław Jahoda, Andrzej Jaroszewicz, Witold Sobociński, Jerzy Wójcik, and others. He was the dean of the Faculty of Media Art (2016–20) and is now the Deputy Rector for Publicity and External Relations at Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts (ASP), as well as head of the Visual Relations Studio, whose graduates have won the Academy’s four best diploma titles. He also teaches at the Warsaw Film School. Head of three NCN research tasks at the Faculty of Media Art (two completed, the third one – ongoing), he is the four-time winner of ASP Rector’s Award for contributions to research and education, including the highest distinction – the Pegasus. 

His artistic work focuses on two fields, the first being art photography, which he has pursued alongside his teaching work. His numerous original photographic projects include Family PortraitDuration of SpaceAbsenceHomage to Piotr ŁazarkiewiczPerfectly Happy People and For a Moment I Had Everything. He has held several dozen exhibitions in Poland and internationally, including individual shows such as Photographs (Photographers’ Union Gallery in Vilnius, 2008), Unseen Memories (B&B Gallery, Bielsko-Biała, 2012), Photographs (Test Gallery, Warsaw, 2013), Traces (Patricia & Philip Frost Museum, Miami, 2015), For a Moment I Had Everything (Foto Gen, Wrocław, 2020). His numerous publications include two monographs: Past and Present (2015) and For a Moment I Had Everything (2020). His works can be found in several dozen private collections and museums in Poland and abroad. 

In his other field, lighting direction and video projection for theatrical productions, he has collaborated since 2007 with theatres such as TR Warszawa, Grand Theatre – Polish National Opera, National Theatre in Warsaw, Nowy Theatre in Poznań, and Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Cracow. During more than a decade of his work in this field, he has designed lighting for almost 50 productions, working with such directors as Izabela Cywińska, Grzegorz Bral, Zbigniew Brzoza, Andrzej Domalik, Robert Drobniuch, Natalia Korczakowska, and Bogusław Linda. 

He is also a tutor in the Gaude Polonia programme. In 2017–18 he was a member of the expert team evaluating research tasks for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Since 2019, he has been an expert for the PKA Polish Accreditation Committee. For his contributions to Polish culture, he received the Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis.