Lybin, Dmitry International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Born in 1963 in Minsk, Belarussian composer, musicologist and pianist. He studied musicology at the Gnesin Music Academy in Moscow (graduating in 1986) as well as composition at the Belarusian Music Academy in Minsk (graduating in 1994). He has received commissions from Aarau–Belarus Foundation (Seven Small Fantasies on Glinka, 2003), Cracow Composers’ Music Days (From Cracow to Vienna, 2005), Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and Friends of Warsaw Autumn Foundation (Provincial Symphony, 2006), Pro Musica Viva Foundation (Breath of Autumn, 2017), Gaude Polonia fellowship from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Defrozen Bells, 2008), and a ZAiKS fellowship (Report from the City of Stopped Time, 2020). His music has been performed in Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, the United States, and Ukraine. Dmitry Lybin is the cofounder of the Belarusian Society for Contemporary Music (1990) where he has served as Secretary since 1991 and was President in 2001–6. In 2001–10, he lectured at the Belarusian Music Academy in Minsk. 

Since 2021, his works are not performed in Belarus. 

Selected works: Violin Concerto (1994), Echo of the Fatherland for soprano, tenor and chamber ensemble (2003), From Cracow to Vienna for chamber ensemble (2003), Provincial Symphony for string orchestra (2003–6), Classic-Avant-Garde Symphony for small orchestra (2006), Where the Pripyat Flows for folk instrument orchestra (2008), Postscriptum for piano and small orchestra (2010), Lullaby for Chopin for two pianos and string orchestra (2010), Breath of Autumn for accordion and string orchestra (2017), Passing Strophes, cantata for symphony orchestra, baritone and reciter (1994–99)Music for Nyasvizh for orchestra (1997), The Legend of the White Lake for symphony orchestra (2016–17), Canzone continuata for ten instruments (2024).