{oh!} ORKIESTRA International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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was founded in 2012 and collaborates with the most important cultural institutions in Poland such as the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, as well as festivals such as Misteria Paschalia, All’Improvviso, Chopin and His Europe, and Actus Humanus. The ensemble enjoys international recognition, as evidenced by concerts in major concert halls such as Wigmore Hall, Theater an der Wien, Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, Auditorium de l’Opéra de Dijon, Bayreuth Opera, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Cologne Philharmonic, and major festivals in Europe such as the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival, Bachfest Leipzig, Händel Festspiele in Halle, Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci, Tage Alter Musik in Herne, and Stockholm Early Music Festival. The orchestra has released ten CD albums, its recordings have been broadcast on most European radio stations, as well as on Mezzo, Medici.tv, Arte TV and Polish Radio Programme 2. In 2021, TVP Kultura recorded a documentary on Martyna Pastuszka and the {oh!} Orkiestra I am not a maestro

Together with the All’Improvviso Early Improvised Music Festival in Gliwice and the Viennese agency Parnassus Arts Productions, the {oh!} Orkiestra continually rediscovers forgotten Baroque opera repertoire. It has premiered stage versions of Domenico Sarri’s Didone abbandonata, Johann Adolf Hasse’s Arminio, and Leonardo Vinci’s Alessandro nell’Indie, as well as concert versions of Vinci’s Gismondo re di Polonia and Antonio Caldara’s Il Venceslao. The year 2022 brought a fruitful collaboration with the Misteria Paschalia festival in Cracow and the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival as resident ensemble. Since 2018, {oh!} Orkiestra has regularly collaborated with the Fryderyk Chopin National Institute. To date, the Institute has released albums dedicated to the works of Jakub Gołąbek and Karol Kurpiński, as well as an album of symphonic works by Karol Lipiński and Stanisław Moniuszko. Thanks to this cooperation, the {oh!} Orkiestra has received an invitation from the Institute to record the complete Mozart symphonies, as well as many works of Polish Romantic music.