Palmer, Sean International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Actor, composer, stage director and voice actor; founder (in 2010) of the Experimental Choir GRE BADANIE, with which he has given concerts in Poland, Britain, and Italy. He was the composer-in-residence and conductor of POLIN Choir (2014–19). Since 2010 he has regularly appeared in the annual Schaeffer Arts Fight festival as singer and actor. Since 2016 he has focused on spectacles and artistic projects for children. He founded Pig in a Wig theatre crew, which has staged more than a hundred spectacles. Palmer is a co-author of the annual international educational project “The Sound in the Silence,” aiming to bring teenagers in contact with contemporary history in places where the given event actually took place, with particular focus on World War II in Europe. With Dagna Sadkowska, he currently co-runs the Nowy Theatre Youth Orchestra in Warsaw. 

Sean is a professional voice actor, also appearing as a singer in The White Kites and William’s Things.