Pastuszka, Martyna International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Violinist, concertmaster, and musical entrepreneur. Since 2022 she has cooperated as concertmaster with Raphaël Pichon’s Ensemble Pygmalion, and since 2023 with Theodor Currentzis’s Utopia Orchestra. She also appears as leader of Le Concert de la Loge and Capella Cracoviensis. She has played solo with Concerto Copenhagen, Le Parlement de Musique, and Aukso – Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy. As a conductor, she has been invited to appear with many ensembles, including the Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra, Sinfonia Iuventus, and Polish Chamber Opera. 

In 2012 Pastuszka founded the {oh!} Orchestra specialising in historical performance, with which she regularly performs at renowned festivals and major concert halls. She became artistic director of the 2022 edition of the Misteria Paschalia festival in Cracow, where she conducted two oratorio concerts of the {oh!} Orchestra. In September 2022, with the {oh!} Orchestra as resident ensemble, she returned to the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival to conduct a new opera production of Leonardo Vinci’s Alessandro nell’Indie, as well as a concert version of Tomaso Albinoni’s Il Nascimento dell’Aurora. In 2023, Pastuszka received the prestigious Coryphaeus of Polish Music award in the personality of the year category. To date, she has taken part in more than 60 recordings. 

Since 2007, in addition to her concert activities, Pastuszka has been teaching the Baroque violin class at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.