Sławecki, Michał International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Graduate of the Department of Vocal Studies at the Chopin University in Warsaw (class of Artur Stefanowicz), he made his debut while still a student as Prince Orlofsky in Johann Strauss’s Die Fledermaus at Szczecin’s Opera at the Castle and Nero in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea at Warsaw’s Collegium Nobilium Theatre. He has appeared at Warsaw, Szczecin, and Gdańsk Philharmonics, Silesian Opera in Bytom, Polski Theatre in Warsaw, Grand Theatre – Polish National Opera in Warsaw, Łódź Grand Theatre, Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz, NFM National Forum of Music in Wrocław, NOSPR Katowice, and the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio in Warsaw, as well as opera houses and festivals in Italy (La Biennale di Venezia), Japan (Tokyo Bunka Kaikan), Estonia (Saaremaa Opera Festival), France (Musica festival in Strasbourg), Germany, Belgium, Kazakhstan, China, Serbia, South Africa, and other countries.

His repertoire includes concert parts from Baroque to contemporary as well as operatic roles such as First Witch in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Sextus in Handel’s Julius Caesar, Prince Orlofsky in Strauss’s Die Fledermaus, Nero in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea, Rinaldo in Handel’s Rinaldo, Nero in Handel’s Agrippina, The Angel in Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice, Cherubino in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, Stephano in Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, the title part in Sławomir Kupczak’s Voyager, Andy in Olga Neuwirth’s Lost Highway, Jesus in Kupczak’s Unfinished Miracle, Horse/Seaman in Rafał Janiak’s The Man from Manufaktura, Spirit in Saariaho’s Only the Sound Remains, as well as Raphael and Death in Penderecki’s Paradise Lost

Michał Sławecki collaborates with leading Polish composers. He has performed Paweł Mykietyn’s Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Rome (Corso Polonia/X Edizione del Fesival delle Arti Unite), Malta (Teatru Manoel / Concert of Polish Contemporary Music Masters), Freiburg (Post Fine Arts), Lviv (the 17th International Contemporary Music Festival), South Africa (National Arts Festival 2015), and Poznań (Nostalgia Festival 2017). He has appeared in Wojciech Błażejczyk’s Fake Opera (Warsaw Autumn 2021), Sławomir Kupczak’s Voyager (Grand Theatre – the Polish National Opera), and in works by Rafał Ryterski (Warsaw Autumn 2022). 

He has recorded extensively for the radio and television, as well as appearing in Agata Zubel’s Oresteia released under the ANAKLASIS label.