Uczniowie Szkoły Podstawowej z nr 344 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Powstania Warszawskiego (Students from the Warsaw Uprising Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 344) International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Uczniowie Szkoły Podstawowej z nr 344 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Powstania Warszawskiego
(Students from the Warsaw Uprising Primary School with Integrated Classes no. 344)

A class (14 girls, 10 boys) led by form mistress Małgorzata Czajka started this project in 5th Grade. Four of the children come from families that experienced migration. The students are intelligent and bright persons who eagerly joined the project. Very excited by our joint work, they had so many ideas and observations that they were overflowing with emotions they wished to share. 

Creating contemporary music scores proved to be the most engaging task. This worked out so well that Ignacy Zalewski, a professional composer, was filled with admiration for the children’s creative invention. In their score contributions to the joint composition, which they titled Moniuszko Sigma, they took into account all the elements of a professional musical work (including rhythm, melody, tempo, sound colour, dynamics, form, articulation, etc.) Their scores later served Zalewski to compose the final miniature. The children saw their participation in the space®opera project as a great adventure. Contact with a true and exceptional artist will stay in their memories for a long time.