WIKTORSKA HARP OPEN International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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A children’s harp ensemble founded by university professor, teacher and harpist Anna Sikorzak-Olek. The ensemble operates under the auspices of Harp for Kids Association with kind support from Warsaw’s Karol Kurpiński Primary State Music School no. 4. The ensemble consists of around 20 harpists, learning with many teachers at different music schools. Altogether, up to a hundred young musicians have played in the ensemble over the 18 years of its activity. 

The Harp for Kids Association groups together their teachers, family members, friends, and sponsors. It aims to promote harp playing in Poland by organising the ensemble’s concerts, which cater for future harp students or lovers. Concert organisation is a major challenge, mainly with regard to transporting the instruments, stools, etc. These difficulties notwithstanding, the ensemble has successfully held concerts in many Polish cities – at philharmonic halls, festivals, symposia, and conferences. Professional recording sessions were also held at Polish Radio’s S2 Studio. The ensemble performs on an annual basis at Warsaw’s Borch Palace – House of the Archbishops and the Capital City’s Centre for Cultural Education in Warsaw’s Old Town. 2022 saw performances at the Presidential Palace and Warsaw’s Belweder. In 2020 the ensemble qualified for an appearance at the World Harp Congress in Cardiff (a concert which, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately did not take place). In 2021 Wiktorska Harp Open won the 1st Prize in the 12th World Open Online Music Competition in Belgrade. 

Participation in the Little Warsaw Autumn is both an honour and a challenge. Contact with contemporary classical music and the possibility of co-creating projects, collaborations, learning new ways of creating and performing – all this opens up hitherto unknown areas of activity for the young harpists.