5:05 (A red-and-yellow bus) International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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A red-and-yellow bus
hurtles down Marszałkowska Street
past dirty grey house façades.
Magda would do with more sleep.

Perhaps a little Red Bull
can give her a morning kick,
a brighter look and faster pulse –
chase the night’s shadow off her face.

The street is nearly empty,
conveniently, at five past five.
Has she ever felt like
turning left into Jerozolimskie Ave.,
then across Poniatowski Bridge
to where the beach awaits her
and the bus would look like an oversized dog?

It could be a great thing to do
but she must carry on.

She heads straight on, then,
passing Centrum stores on her right.
She’d started her day long ago,
though the sun is still not up.

The early morning bus
hurtles down Marszałkowska Street
with just two passengers inside.
Magda still badly needs some sleep.

Perhaps a little Red Bull
can give her a morning kick,
brighter look and a faster pulse –
chase the night’s shadow off her face.