Am Anfang war das A - Christof Ressi International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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In the beginning was the A, and the A was with A, and A was the A. A was with A at the beginning. Through A all As were made, without A nothing was made that has been made. In A was the A, and the A was the light of all mankind. That was the true A that gives light to everyone who come into this world. A was in the world and the world was made through A. And the world did not recognize it. And the A became sound and made its dwelling among us, and we have heard its glory, full of grace and truth. This work testifies concerning A, cries out saying: This is the A I spoke about when I said: A that comes after me has surpassed me because A was before me. Out of its fullness we have all received grace in place of grace. For the law was given through A; grace and truth came through A. No one has ever seen A, but it has been made known to us. 

Christof Ressi