recurrences in the lower realm / solar hymns - Viacheslav Kyrylov International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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recurrences in the lower realm / solar hymns - Viacheslav Kyrylov

This work has two distinct aspects: the dark, matt, sinister, inconsistently repeated musical figures performed on fabric-silenced membranophones and sixxen, and the bright, dazzling, sound contemplations filled with metallic timbres. The first aspect happens on the plane of complexity, and it is only on this plane that these kinds of dark figures can exist. Ascending to the second aspect, we move to plane of simplicity, where the soul, contemplating unity, is one step away from its own doom in that unity, just as any thing approaching the Sun is diluted, annihilated in the tides of heat and radiation. 

Viacheslav Kyrylov