Dotknij mnie (Touch Me) - Kuba Krzewiński International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Come and touch.
Come and touch the tactile installation mounted on the performer’s body. The sound of your touch will be amplified and transformed by means of haptic sensors and contact mikes. You may: 1) directly touch the performer or 2) make him or her imitate your touching gestures from a distance. Feel the vibrations of another person’s instrumentalised body. Touch the limits of the social touch taboos. Touch me.

Touch Me is yet another of Kuba Krzewiński’s projects exploring touch. The sound of stroked human skin, which he believes to be one of the finest sounds on earth, has been a point of departure for many of his works. Krzewiński’s interest lies in the origins of sound and the medium of its perception, in touch as a source of a wide spectrum of intimate sounds and a natural medium of human communication, albeit constrained by various cultural taboos. By using performance tools and installation technology, Krzewiński proposes new forms of contact with music and corporality.