Jędrzejewska, Anna International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Composer, pianist, interdisciplinary artist, improviser, event curator and director. Her output is based on improvisations rooted in classical 20th-century European art and combines music, multimedia, and electronics. 

Jędrzejewska studied composition with Bogusław Schaeffer at the Academy of Music in Cracow. She developed her abilities at music courses in Darmstadt, Stuttgart, and Cracow, as well as with tutors such as Adam Kaczyński, Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar, Marek Chołoniewski, Lidia Zielińska, Matthias Hermann, Krzysztof Knittel, and Włodzimierz Kiniorski. She also studied multimedia art with Antoni Porczak at Cracow’s Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts. In 2009 she graduated in directing and editing from the Film and Television Academy in Warsaw. Her diploma work was the documentary My Dad Is a Sculpture

She won the 3rd Prize at the International Festival of Sacred Music in Częstochowa (1998, for Pater Noster for mixed unaccompanied choir) and two honourable mentions at the Tadeusz Baird Competition for Young Composers (2002, emotion-s for instrumental ensemble and tape, and 2004, Rhizm for violin, cello and piano). Her series of video scores for children was created in 2023 thanks to a grant from Warsaw’s Śródmieście District Council. 

Jędrzejewska was the organiser of Fortalicje and Intuitiva intuitive art festivals, co-organiser of New Art Conference and Supersam Plus 1 / Mózg Festivals, curator of the Warsaw Experiment Studio Project (2023). As part of Salulu duo, she created Video Score and Energetic Resonance – operatic projects combining video, electronics, and improvisation, which were presented, among others, at the Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music and the Warsaw Autumn Festival. She conducts workshops and co-organises the Intuitive Music Conference on performance art, graphic scores, dance, and multidisciplinary improvisation. 

Her explorations focus on the inadequacy of musical notation in the context of intuitive music and the use of the video medium as a score. Her current projects (SuparastralUmbraHybridSomatic recycling) are improvised music spectacles based on electronics and transformations, presented in the form of video installations. 

Selected works: Elementaries (1st version) for harpsichord and tape (2000; rev. for harpsichord, viola da gamba and tape, 2003), emotion-s for instrumental ensemble and tape (2002), Rhizm for violin, cello and piano (2003), Energetic Resonance, an improvised multimedia spectacle for various performing forces (with Robert Jędrzejewski, 2013–14), Corposhamanism, performance for female dancer, electronics and transformations (2020), Umbra, microopera for soprano with transformations, electronics and video (2021), Somatic Recycling, video installation (2022), Hybrid, rap opera for rapper, four female performers and video (2022), Deszczyk, Dżdż, Ogienek, Turkot, cycle of video scores for children (2023), Video Score 04 for performer, electronics and video (2023).