Michaluk, Maciej International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Having obtained a BMus in composition from Artur Zagajewski’s class at the Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź, he completed his MMus in music theory with Andrzej Mądro at the Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Cracow. He also graduated with honours in composition from Cezary Duchnowski’s class at the Karol Lipiński Academy in Wrocław. He spent the most recent semester at Oslo’s Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH) as an Erasmus+ student. 

Michaluk’s works have won recognition during national and international competitions and festivals such as Musica Polonica Nova, Musica Electronica Nova, Audio Art Festival, Avant Art Festival, and Musica Privata. He is a finalist of the 61st Tadeusz Baird Competition for Young Composers. 

Having recently embarked on his artistic path, Maciej Michaluk is on the lookout for his own type of expression. He therefore composes, apart from purely instrumental works, also pieces that employ stage gestures, electronics, new technologies, and even sign language. He eagerly collaborates with other artists on installations, theatrical and dance spectacles. In recent projects, he has progressively been exploring multimedia composition and focusing on relations between the analogue and the digital worlds. 

Apart from composing, Michaluk is also active as a music theorist, publishing papers in academic and nationwide periodicals and participating actively in conferences on contemporary musical culture. He is the founder and long-time president of the New Media Artistic and Research Club at Wrocław’s Academy of Music. Since 2023 he has been a lecturer at this Academy, teaching his own original syllabuses on the theory and practice of new media music. 

He has received scholarships from the academies of music in Łódź, Wrocław, and Cracow, the UMCS Academic Culture and Media Centre (ACKiM) in Lublin, the Mayor of Biała Podlaska City, and the Marshal of Lubelskie Voivodeship. 


Selected works: Hermit Sea Anemone for saxophone quartet (2017), Jewish Expression for orchestra (2018), Sign Language Music for timpani, electronics and video (2019), Feedback System for electronics and video (2021), Oscillatoria for string quartet (2021), hold & release for accordion, performer, MIDI and electronics (2022), F2F for flutes, live electronics and video (2022), Bat Music for flute and electronics (2022), b))))))) for brass instruments, electronics and video (2022), Low Frequency Orchestra for three conducting performers, motion control system and electronics (2023), ((((limi)))) for electronics and video (2023), HyperARP for organ, MIDI and electronics (2024).