Nauman, Alicja International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Working at the intersection of choreography, theatre, visual arts, and grassroots education, Alka Nauman graduated in choreography from the London School of Contemporary Dance (MA), the PEER mentoring programme of London’s Studio Wayne McGregor, and the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. Her works have been presented, among others, at London’s The Place and Chisenhale Dance Space, Marseille’s Montévidéo, Cracow’s National Stary Theatre, Łódź Central Museum of Textiles, as well as many institutions in Warsaw: Guliwer Puppet Theatre, Komuna Warszawa, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture at Królikarnia. In 2021 her spectacle (a satirical ode to a plastic bag) Be Fruitful and Multiply was listed among the “40 winks” best European choreographies of the prestigious Springback magazine.