Pasek, Olga International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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She graduated in composition and film music from Marcin Stańczyk’s class at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź. She also worked (as an Erasmus student) with Michal Rataj at the Music and Dance Faculty (HAMU) of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. She currently studies electronic, film and theatre music composition with Ignacy Zalewski at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She has participated in Warsaw Autumn, Synthetis, Latem Zagrane, and FilmSpring Open workshops conducted by Oscar Bianchi, Johannes Kreidler, Francesco Filidei, Marc Andre, Justė Janulytė, Zygmunt Krauze, Doina Rotaru, Marco Stroppa, Krzysztof Knittel, and Agzilla. She writes music for animated and other films as well as installations. Finalist of the 2023 Tadeusz Baird Young Composers’ Competition, she has had her works performed most notably at the Musica Moderna sessions, as well as Musica Privata festival, the Prague Zoo, Ravekjavik festival, events held by the Marek Edelman Dialogue Centre in Łódź, and the Zielona Góra Philharmonic. Her recent interests focus on improvised electronic music, including no-feedback mixer performances. She also works in the field of the broadly conceived performance art and subversive art, which frequently finds its reflection in her works. 

Selected works: Collisions for four accordions (2021), cruelty free for violin, soprano saxophone, accordion, percussion, tape and video (2022), Kairos for flute and tape (2022), pattern mode for soprano saxophone and bass trombone (2022), Balance for two performers and electronics (2023),Illusion for two pianos (2023), kon•me•mo•cja for chamber orchestra, electronics and video (2023), quiet space for analogue no-feedback mixer (2023), outstanding place for clarinet, alto saxophone and cello (2023), state of movement for double bass, tape and live electronics (2024), empathy_for_who? for flute, alto saxophone, bass clarinet, bassoon, accordion, violin, cello and tape (2024), torsion for orchestra (2024), sic mundus for two accordions, piano, percussion and tape (2024).