Czajka, Małgorzata International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Music teacher, speech therapist, and choirmaster, she graduated in music education from the University of Silesia, speech therapy from the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, as well as from the Postgraduate Course for Choirmasters and Voice Trainers at the Bydgoszcz Academy of Music. 

Her accolades include the Mayor of Warsaw Award for outstanding achievements in education, a prize in the National Competition for Music Teachers, and honourable mention in the “Educreator” Competition of the Marshal of Mazowieckie Voivodeship for the Most Creative Primary School Culture Educator in Mazovia, a nomination for the Warsaw Culture Education Award, and multiple best teacher in her school’s parents’ and children’s polls. She is the author of many educational projects implemented with Warsaw’s school choirs. 

Małgorzata Czajka is the conductor and founder of “Warsaw Thunderclaps” Choir at the Primary School no. 344 in Warsaw. Since 2014 she has collaborated with the NFM National Forum of Music as part of the “Choral Academy – Singing Poland” National Programme for School Choir Development. With “Warsaw Thunderclaps” she has won many prestigious awards and distinctions in music competitions. She prepares choristers for performances on professional stages such as Warsaw Philharmonic, Grand Theatre – Polish National Opera, and the Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio.