it’s fine, isn’t it? - Paweł Szymański International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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I wrote this work for flute and orchestra in 2020 for flute virtuoso Łukasz Długosz and dedicated it to him. The work was commissioned by the Quintessence Foundation for the “Eufonie” International Festival of Central and Eastern European Music. The commission was financed by the Institute of Music and Dance (with funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage), with the support of the Society of Authors ZAiKS. 

The piece was included in the programme of the 3rd Eufonie Festival in 2021, but its performance was cancelled at the last minute by the organisers. What could have been the reason for such a dramatic decision? It turned out that there was a bomb in an otherwise innocent (as probably all flute concertos) work: a quotation (played from a recording) of a fragment of a statement by the “saviour of the nation.” Thus, the piece fell victim to political censorship. In all fairness, the censorship was laughably ineffective. After all, all statements made by that “saviour of the nation” are circulating on the Internet, both in their authentic version and in various humorous travesties...

Nonetheless, there was vivid criticism from the National Centre of Culture (organiser of the Eufonie festival) and the festival’s Programme Council. That was echoed by the Institute of Music and Dance and the management of the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Quintessence Foundation, which commissioned the work (sic!). 

Although the management of the Eufonie festival has changed with the political conjuncture, most of the people who contributed to the censorship of 2021 Eufonie by removing it’s fine, isn’t it? from the programme are still working in various institutions for the good of Polish musical culture. This is understandable: after all, music is an apolitical art, it’s fine, isn’t it?

For those of you who would like to read the details of this story, I refer you to the following sources:; https://wyborcza. pl/7,113768,2786538,113768,27865381,pawel-szymanski-cenzura-udaje-ze-jej-nie-ma.html,pawel-szymanski-cenzura-udaje-ze-jej-nie-ma.html (I hope the material is still available; it was at the end of May 2024, when I was writing these words). 

I am glad that Łukasz Długosz will finally be able to perform my work and his enthusiasm will not be wasted. 

Paweł Szymański 


I am truly delighted that four years after it was commissioned by the Fifth Essence Foundation, Paweł Szymański’s Flute Concerto receives its premiere performance at the inaugural concert of the Warsaw Autumn Festival. I invite those interested in the story to follow the forthcoming issues of Ruch Muzyczny magazine.

Lech Dzierżanowski, Chairman of the Fifth Essence Foundation