Kitchen Stories - Martin Fondse International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Apart from music, food and food culture are wonderful ways to bring people and cultures together. In music, sounds from whatever musical background always establish a relationship; taste and smell have a similar effect. You don’t need language to communicate. Playing and listening are sufficient with music, and the same goes for smelling and tasting with regard to food. Music and food both tell a story about people and where they come from. They bridge nationalities, regions, and generations.

For Kitchen Stories, I was inspired by this connection between music and food culture. You will be taken to nearly all the continents of the world (Europe, Asia, North and South Americas, Africa, and Antarctica). A special place has been dedicated to Ukraine and the newly discovered continent of Zeelandia. Regional dishes are featured, such as hoosh (Antarctica), borscht (Ukraine) and Fast Food Fantasy (North America), alongside melodically conceived presentations by TV and online chef stars (including Zanele van Zyl from South Africa), Saito – the Sushi God of Tokyo, and Ievgen Klopotenko from Ukraine. 

Martin Fondse