Sałajczyk / Sutt / Liashchevska / EUROPEAN WORKSHOP FOR CONTEMPORARY MUSIC / Bohn / Gładkowski International Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn

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Sałajczyk / Sutt / Liashchevska / EUROPEAN WORKSHOP FOR CONTEMPORARY MUSIC / Bohn / Gładkowski
Iannotta / Urquiza / Gorwa / Benjamin

Piotr Sałajczyk piano
Bartłomiej Sutt, Kateryna Liashchevska percussion
Rüdiger Bohn conductor
Jacek Gładkowski sound projection

Clara Iannotta paw-marks in wet cement (ii) (2015–2018)* for piano, two percussion and amplified ensemble
Mikel Urquiza Opus vermiculatum (2017)* for nine performers
Magdalena Gorwa Four Roots of All Matter (2024)** for ensemble (Warsaw Autumn commission)
George Benjamin At First Light (1982) for chamber orchestra

The Polish-German new music workshop with the participation of the European Workshop for Contemporary Music, a joint-venture of Warsaw Autumn and Podium Gegenwart Deutscher Musikrat, will take place on 16–22 September 2024 at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music.

** first performance
* first Polish performance